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Video Project

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The project aims to understand the possibilities of collaborative construction and the use of videos, viewed as multimodal artifacts, in the training of teachers in Mathematics Licensure programs at UAB. This project extends to video production in face-to-face licensure programs and basic education schools for elementary and secondary education. Collaboration is understood as working together, with mutual support, to achieve common goals negotiated by the group (COSTA; FIORENTINI, 2007; FIORENTINI, 2013; KENSKI, 2012; NACARATO, 2005).

Research with videos began to be explored by the Group of Research in Informatics, Other Media, and Mathematical Education (GPIMEM) in 2006, in projects conducted jointly with Western University, Canada. Gadanidis, Borba, and Scucuglia (2010) explored how students could use digital cameras on cell phones to create Digital Mathematical Performances (PMD). PMDs consist of narratives or multimodal texts that combine art with digital technology to communicate mathematical ideas or concepts through artistic performances expressed in music, video, poetry, and other forms (BORBA; SCUCUGLIA; GADANIDIS, 2014). In 2014, the group's research advanced with work led by Domingues (2014), which synthesized students' views on using videos in Mathematics classrooms supported by an extensive literature review. Continuing the investigation of videos in the classroom, specifically in Mathematical Education, a survey was conducted on articles published in national and international journals, as well as theses and dissertations (OECHSLER, 2015). Since then, part of the Group has focused on studying videos in Mathematical Education.

This project continues from a previous one that ended in February 2016, funded by CNPq, titled "Interaction and Information and Communication Technologies: Distance Mathematics Licensure Programs." This project, named Elicm@t, investigated Licensure courses, mapping how the 37 Licensure programs at UAB (now 40) use Digital Technologies (BORBA; CHIARI, 2014).

The current research aims to propose to Mathematics licensure students at UAB the production of videos that express mathematical knowledge in an effort to understand the possibilities of collaborative construction and the use of videos in the training of teachers in these licensure programs. These videos, to be explored in this research, can express certain mathematical ideas through oral, written, gestural, bodily, and auditory means, characterizing what Walsh (2011) defines as multimodality. We intend to develop this both in Basic Education and in Mathematics Licensure courses at UAB. Videos produced in these courses by students and teachers will be used in Basic Education schools, and videos produced in Basic Education will be discussed virtually in course disciplines.

One of the specific objectives of the aforementioned project is the participation of videos produced by licensure students in a festival, which will create a virtual space for dialogue among Mathematics Licensure programs at UAB. These videos will be shared and analyzed with the community, with a jury comprising artists, filmmakers, mathematicians, and mathematics educators invited to select the best videos for awards.

Through this research, we hope to highlight the voices of teachers, Mathematics licensure students, and Basic Education students in the debate about using videos in the classroom, both regarding their production and display, emphasizing how this artifact can express the knowledge of its creators and serve as a learning object for viewers.


BORBA, M. C.; CHIARI, A. S. S. Diferentes usos de Tecnologias Digitais nas Licenciaturas em Matemática da UAB. Nuances: estudos sobre educação, v. 25, n. 2, p. 127–147, 2014.  
BORBA, M. C.; SCUCUGLIA, R. R. S.; GADANIDIS, G. Fases das Tecnologias Digitais em Educação Matemática: sala de aula e internet em movimento. 1. ed. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2014.  
COSTA, G. L. M.; FIORENTINI, D. Mudança da Cultura Docente em um Contexto de Trabalho Colaborativo de Introdução das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Prática Escolar. BOLEMA, v. 20, n. 27, p. 1–19, 2007.  
DOMINGUES, N. S. O papel do vídeo nas aulas multimodais de Matemática Aplicada: uma análise do ponto de vista dos alunos. 2014. 125 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Matemática) – Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Rio Claro (SP), 2014.  
FIORENTINI, D. Pesquisar práticas colaborativas ou pesquisar colaborativamente? In: BORBA, M. C.; ARAÚJO, J. L. Pesquisa Qualitativa em Educação Matemática. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2013. p. 53–85.  
GADANIDIS, G.; BORBA, M. C.; SCUCUGLIA, R. Tell me a good math story: digital mathematical performance, drama, songs, and cell phones in the math classroom. In: PME, XXXIV., 2010, Belo Horizonte. Anais... Belo Horizonte: CODECOM - UFMG, 2010. p. 17–24.  
KENSKI, V. M. Tecnologias e Ensino Presencial e a Distância. 9. ed. São Paulo - SP: Papirus, 2012.  
NACARATO, A. M. A escola como lócus de formação e de aprendizagem: possibilidades e riscos de colaboração. In: FIORENTINI, D.; NACARATO, A. M. (Org.). Cultura, formação e desenvolvimento profissional de professores que ensinam Matemática: investigando e teorizando a partir da prática. Campinas: GEPFPM-PRAPEM-FE/UNICAMP, 2005.  
OECHSLER, V. Vídeos e Educação Matemática: um olhar para dissertações e teses. In: Encontro Brasileiro de Estudantes de Pós-Graduação em Educação Matemática, XIX, 2015, Juiz de Fora - Minas Gerais. Anais... Juiz de Fora - Minas Gerais: UFJF, 2015. p. 1–12.  
WALSH, M. Multimodal Literacy: Researching classroom practice. Australia: Primary English Teaching Association (e:lit), 2011.

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