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In this section you will find all the videos submitted and selected for the website in the Basic Education Category.
Note that some videos present small theoretical inconsistencies, but these were commented on in the description.

Some videos do not have a thumbnail image, but when you hover over the video, it starts playing automatically.

In this category we can check the winners in the following YouTube PlayList .

Videos from the 1st Festival Competitors in the Higher Education Category

In this section you will find all the videos submitted and selected for the website in the Higher Education Category.

In this category we can check the winners in the following YouTube PlayList .

Category: Others

In this section you will find all the videos submitted and selected for the site in the Other Category .

Videos from the 1st Festival Submitted that Did Not Meet the Call for Applications.

In this category we can check the winners in the following YouTube PlayList .


Competitors in the Basic Education category

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